over three days we all seemed to go in opposite directions, so there are just way too many small stories to tell to sum up the rest of our time in nyc. so i'll just squeek out some 'snippets' then overload this post with pictures.
dubpies.com: don't ask any more questions, just go and you'll be well taken care of.
75% of the band got old-school russo-fied at the 10th st. baths, sitting in an old-school tile sauna and getting flogged with birch branches by gentlman named alexandr, while aaron exercised his lone-wolf perogative and walked all the way from houston street to central park!
there was also the incomparable jay, our host/room-mate in red-hook: professional graffiti artist, amateur odd-job driver, and full-time extra-chill cat.
there was authentic russian herring salad in brighton beach, and an even better recipe volunteered by an elderly latvian woman with orange hair and a poorly concealed black bra beneath her enormous tank swimsuit.
reid and alex fed me a delicious meal of burgers and dogs in their stylish brooklyn house while juggling two tiny children and the latest new york archi-gossip. elanora, i still don't know your favorite color...
aaron joined emily once again, but only briefly as she came into town with her parents to see 'wicked', a new show playing on broadway. but still, that's better than the rest of us got.
there was valerie, an old college buddy of erik's--ex supermodel and our local superfan, gamely putting up with our rudeness, bad jokes, and wide-eyed tourist stares, and filling out a large percentage of our audience at both our shows.
we walked miles and miles in flipflops, rode many more miles in subways and L-trains, executed illegal u-turns in the van like seasoned new yorkers, and did nothing to keep our biological clocks from shifting ever later in the evening.
oh yes, we played music, too. the lit lounge in manhattan's east village (2nd ave. between 5th and 6th streets) was a much more friendly venue. we were still the early band and there weren't too many people in the stony cavern we played in, but the people who were there were very supportive and complimentary, including the band to play after us--columbus ohio's very cool MELTY MELTY--and 'james', the sassiest sound-girl we've encountered yet, and the only one i've met who liberally uses the word 'snippet' when talking to bands. i think we played a much better set than the night before in brooklyn, so we all felt pretty good afterward, all stage-buzzed in the belly of the beast. we didn't really stick around for the last two bands, what with long-lost relatives and late night pizza slices to attend to. of course once the clock turned to midnight people started to arrive by bridge and tunnel for the DJ dancing--the wal-mart of nightlife entertainment. but hey, the paid us 15 whole dollars. waHOO!
secret boston beach-side community
our new york welcome
ok, that's better.
giddy-on up, you brooklyn space-cowboy, you!
BQE vanishing point
our brooklyn 5-star hotel. i got the best three nights' sleep of the entire tour so far.
jay's dog, billy: he looks innocent enough but he kept trying to hump dave's arm in the middle of the night.
soon after this photo was taken aaron was eaten and spat out by a gigantic sea-coney dog.
brighton beach vanishing point
the fabled 'flat white': delicious, and effective.
richard serra vanishing point
melty melty, shiny sparkly
nyc fixed-gear bike commuting = a lifetime of long explanations at airport metal detectors. good on yer, val!
two heads are better than one. (this bar was actually an 'irish pub' with its entire back wall projecting kubrik's '2001 a space odyssey'. sounds and looks more interesting than it actually was...)
the work of jay:
the best thing i can think of about the new jersey turnpike is a cloud-spotted sky that looks like the wallpaper of a little girl's bedroom. and that's it.
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