Monday, September 3, 2007

*secret blog entry*

[Editor's Note: This entry was written in Arlington, VA by Aaron, who stayed up late by himself drinking.]

hold on

so it burned when i peed just now.. and that's pretty fucking hilarious considering i haven't done anything untoward (ever) as far as i can tell. co-incidence, perhaps, because i just saw emily in new york city (!) and moments later played a show in arlington, virginia. too strange great applause, labor day weekend and gorgeous weather and friends and all.

pleasently lit in arlington v irginia, perhaps. or maybe D.C. proper.. rockridge way express prkway, or something. an awesome three story house amongst lesser houses, with more than enough scenic decks to 'go around'. our hosts are awesome rock/roll kids made good, and they were plenty generous..

it's too much to fathom, at points/pints.

i drink a l ot. but i also enjoy it a l ot. ha!

litlttle joke there, you see. (?)

jerry was also nice, and i ended up thinking a great deal about old tom an jerry cartoons:

at least one french revolution/three musketeers episode (with a cute younger mouse with grey skin)

the ice skating episode, where jerry floods the kitchen and freezes it, by leaving the freezer open.. fuck yeah, tom and jerry.

tom had some wings one time... he made them from some pink material with batwing like features.. that was always on eo fmy favorties. strupid letters, stupid words.

arlington, virginia might have ruind my heart. 'cause it's for lovers. the most intriging women live here.. jaw dropping stupefying accidental charmers,l it's a good time. the days are ours, and i chew my nails. this guy named jerry (i think) wins the prize,. huzaah h e wins he wins.

tom and jerry are animated characters, a distinct record of my emotinoal identity. violence and wounds and sound all married under a complex polyamorous agreement, i should'nt bore yo9u. fuck off any how, eh>?

maybe more french revolution/three musketeers episodes (with a cute younger mouse with grey skin) 'cause i liike thinking about those. i think they're hungry in one episode, nd have a giant thanksgiving dinner.. could that be true? sounds too good to be.


tom and jerry cartoons a(o9had)r ( 910)e pretty good.. a lot of music, you know. puppet theater of a sort, and i compose puppet operas. but i don't have any puppets.

i love that shit


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