benefactor #1: andrew from omaha
our minneapolis welcome
are the twin cities on fire? does that make erik happy?
75% hen with merch display. 'erik, you look like a medium.'
this is dave before coffee.
our madison welcome. it only got more soaked from here.
this is aaron after madison.
our chicago welcome.
iggy pup
yes, we play music too. this is chicago's ELBO ROOM.
our camera takes more drugs than a touring funk band (sing it!)
aaron likes chicago...
southern michigan is apparently the hottest place on earth.
our medina, ohio welcome and crash pad. erik designed this house for his parents. not bad for a rock star, no?
supermanrockstar + groupie
aaron macdonald: one-man CD factory.
i like both pictures and narrative!
i must admit, i secretly was hoping for more pics, thanks guys...and more secretly, wishing i could be on the road(again), meeting the people of this giant country and sleeping on sketchy floors, drinking shitty beer and having the best time.
i'm sending some buddies to your austin, tx show...but which venue is it that you're performing in...beerland or trophy's?
When do we get to see someone in rubber pants with an oven mitt on their head? Is this a rock band blog or not?
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