rock stars in a pittsburgh diner
pittsburgh staircase: aaron scampered up this like some kind of elfin man-pixie.
you've got delicate hands...
aaron says:
i hear the akron/family is around here, which is oddly thrilling for me.. i love those guys.
and i love eric filipkowski.. he's my old friend from the Ft. Collins and Portland days, but for years he's been hanging out in Williamsport, and he now co-owns and co-runs Kimball's, a nice little bar near the college.. good times, all around.
Garrett says:
Williamsport is our second college-town Sunday-night show this tour, and—no offense to kalamazoo—was by far the better of the two. And kalamazoo was fun, which means Williamsport pretty much rocked. Down at kimball’s we got to play last this time, and after a sweet set by sisterhood duo KEY OF V and a blistering retro garage rock inferno by local favorites THE TELL TALE SIGNS we played to a packed, happy, drunk house. There were real cheers, people actually dancing, and our first-ever encore in front of strangers. Heck, even the girls liked us. Even lesbian folk-rockers liked us. Most importantly, aaron got to show off his guitar-hero licks to both Emily and his old band-mate eric/flip/earl.
After chilling with the great folks from the TELL TALE SIGNS (if ever in w-port, look up andy: he can make you a beautiful custom guitar, or hot-rod your motorcycle or muscle car) we cleared a path through all the drunken little-league victors and crashed in luxury at eric/flip/earl’s cozy little pad out on the creek. Eric/flip/earl, you didn’t have to pack your bar for us; you didn’t have to pay us to play; you didn’t have to let us sleep on the softest floor yet, but you did and some of us will never forget it.
eric/flip/earl and his relaxation porch
We eschewed (yes, ‘eschewed’) showers in the morning for the more refreshing charms of the creek out back,
bid a fond farewell to Emily, then headed north through the countryside past all number of cute little vinyl-sided hamlets and the temptations of Ithaca/cornell, on our way to Syracuse. We drove through the cornell u. campus on the first day of classes and all agreed that we were gypped in our own previous college experiences.
What can one say about Syracuse, new york on a Monday night? You guessed it: nothing. What was supposed to be a show turned into a semi-band practice when it became apparent that nobody promoted our show in an empty student-run art gallery in a desolate part of a desolate city. At least frank was cool to let us drink beer and plonk around in his empty room and crash on all manner of futons and couches in his apartment. Good luck with the school year, frank.
We struck out looking for bagels this morning so we’re trying our best to put Syracuse behind us and get to boston as soon as possible.
spark art space, syracuse, new york: where the couches go to die.
look at all the people!
1 comment:
that looks like a great drum carpet! eh? eh?
thanks again for sharing a bit of your rock star glory. i played guitar hero today. i sucked.
love love,
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